sunnuntai 3. lokakuuta 2010

We are the " bad guys " - arrest us!

Yesterday (Saturday) was pretty much just driving toward Chicago. There are 8 seats in our car and i got the whole backest backseat for me! that ment sleeping...:D Still recovering from the jet lag i guess! Driving in Toronto, or actually out of Toronto was crazy! We all shouted the street names, mum tried to look at the map and dad often turns somewhere while he was following his "instincts" - and then we were even more lost than we were before that, it it is possible! :D Finalyy we ended to the right road! 
          We saw lots of corn fields and houses wich are exactly like the ones you can see in the movies! And pumpkins! Halloween is coming so on almost every porch there were big and orange pumpkin! It is too bad that i leave here before Halloween, it is so big celebration here that i would have love to see it! We ate lunch at Taco Bell's! And seriously, food is so good here! Everything i have ate has been delicious! And there is lots of it!!!! And lots of fat in the food... And in the restaurants the waiters and waitresses are SO kind and firendly and helpful!!! That is of course because they hope to get tipand giving the tip, about 10-15 % is almost a must here! It would be roud to not to give it! And that is the waiters almost only pay, so...
      We came to the US border wich was a huge bridge! I was scared again! And now we had to stay there for two hours!!! They checked our car and baggage and we had to show all the money we are travelling with and then they asked all kinds of questons from mum and dad and we kids just had to sit there and wait in an ugly small room...Then they also took our fingerprints and photos of us! But in the end we got to go, because we hadn't done anything illegal!!! But still it was strange that we had to stay there so long...
      Now we are in a hotel in somewhere in the USA!!! And i just ate breakfast - waffles again! And there was actually nothing salty and the bread is really white!!! I think i will soon have enough with the waffles! :D 
      Soon we will start driving the car again, and today we are supposed to get to Chicago! There mum's friend Jenni waits us! And now i have to pack my things...plaah, my things are growing all the time, even if i haven't bought anything yet!!!

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