torstai 21. lokakuuta 2010

Canadiens say "eh" :D

Yesterday we drove to Orillia, Canada to meet some of our relatives. They were really nice people and let us stay in their house the night! It has been really great that we haven't just been like tourists in hotels and stuff! We have got a chance to see rea people's homes and life and things like that!!! i reallly love that! That is how you can really learn!!! For example i learned what are really good chips with some dip and really great French toast!!! :D Haha, always food... And i really noticed that the Canadien people do say "eh" a lot!!!! That is funny! And also i have noticed that people are more like out-going or open or i don't know, like they talk more than we finns!!! And maybe thay think that we are weird quiet people who are either stupid or unpolite!!! That is why i have tried to talk and smile a lot!!! And you know, i really can talk much when i want, now i just have to do it in English!! But that is fun and i really think that it is much easier to me now open my mouth and actually say something, than it used to be!!!
      And today morning we had to keep going to Toronto. It is always sad to say good bye...And again in a car!!! we have been driving a lot in this trip!!! But it is okay, i can sleep in a car or try to take pictures ( my camera is ALMOST full now, i think i only have something like 60 pics left...) or something!!! There is at least room for everything! :D
     We stopped to eat in a...guess...HAMBURGER place!!! There really isn't anything but junk food near the highways!!! And if you are driving there and you get hungry you either suffer or eat the junk food!!! :D I honestly won't eat any food like that when i come home! Period.
         I haven't seen Toronto much today, we just satyed at our hotel but i think it is a big city too!!! Smaller than Chicago, but still... We are going to spend tomorrow the whole day in Toronto and then in the night, about 9:15 our flight leaves and we start our short short short night!!! You know, the flight takes about 6 hours but because of the time difference we will be in Reykjavik at about 7 a.m so we kind of loose part of our night!!! So i guess that means i have to sleep well tonight!!! :D

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