keskiviikko 13. lokakuuta 2010

Back to school XD

Yesterday was really exciting day!!! (I mean Tuesday). But let me start from Monday. We drove from Chicago to Wisconsin. Well, first we got lost in the not so good area of Chicago, but in the end we started going toward Slinger, WI. WE were going to have a dinner with Miretta (an exchange student from my home town in Finland) and her host family there. First we couldn't find it either, but finally, a little bit late, we arrived! The family was SO nice!!! And the meal was in the American way really big and delicious! :D Lots of food! In the night we had a fire outside also and it was really fun! And i loved to get totalk with Miretta too, I hadn't seen her for a while!!! Then my family left to a little Bed and Breakfast that was in a small town near Miretta's host family's home and i stayed the night there!!! Because, in the morning...Well, in the morning i was really excited!!!! Really!! I got to go to school with Miretta!!! :D
      Her host mom took us there early in the morning, around half past seven i think...The school was bigger than my own school in Jurva! There were about 1,000 students in this high school and well, miretta also thought it was big but her host family said it was small in here! But when i saw it i was like WOW, this school is HUGE!!!! And then i got even more nervous than i used to be...:D We had to go to get me a small name tag which said that i was a visitor and it had my name on it of course. Miretta had to sign in or something. I didn't really get that thing, but it was something like that when you come to school you have to sign in and when you leave it you have to sign out and if you leave in the middle of the day you have to write why you go and everything....
     First we had study hall, which means in our school that you don't have to do anything or you can just go to a store or something...But here..We had to sit in the lunch room, only three students in each tables (there were room for 8 people, but no!!!) and we had to be really quiet and there was a teacher in there watching us!!! It was weird!! And Miretta told me that you are NOT allowed to go even outside of the school, even to the front doors without permission! :D 
      When the bell rang we had to almost run because the break was only 4 minutes and there were so many people going to classrooms or somewhere in the corridors!!! Miretta had physics next. They had a test which seemed really hard ( the teacher gave me one of them too, just to look at it though :D) !!! It was fun that there was classical music coming from the cd player in the classroom WHILE they were doing the test and the teacher gave everybody candy!!! I am just saying, but it was a fun thing...krohm...get candy when you have a test...:D 
     Okay, then we had something like art history and we watched some old paintings. The teacher was really nice and it was really surprising how the students actually were listening the teacher (in every class i was with!! really!!). And then we had something like sociology. They had a test in that too but it wasn't so bad i think...there were only those a, b, c questions, those that you just have to pick one of them! And i think many of the tests are like that! I just sat there and watched! :D Ammm, then we had psychology...and guess what!! They had a test in that too!!! :D The teacher gave me the book they have and i just read it a bit...Wow, the books are so big and thick and heavy!!!! Poor Miretta!!! :D 
      We went to the cafeteria or canteen or whatever for lunch! We ate only muffins and some kind of chocolate rice bars and juice because we were going to go to have lunch with the rotary club. Miretta has their meeting every Tuesday where she tells them about her week and this time she took me with her. But in the school canteen there were so many choices, tacos, pizza, salads, fruits, yoghurt, muffins, rice, chocolate, juice, milk etc. etc. :D And just like in the movies there was the table for the "nerds" , the guys who play football, the "cool" people, the "normal" people and so on...:D We sat withe Miretta's friends in the "normal" area. 
        The rotary meeting was, well interesting. There was good food but they sang some songs i didn't know and talked about something i really didn't understand, but it was still an experience! 
      After that we hurried back to school and had the most interesting lesson! At least i thought it was the best lesson! First the teacher told everyone who i was and people started asking do i speak english and everything! :D It was kind of fun..and then it was so interesting to listen when they talked about homosexuals, racism,  genders and all kinds of that things! It was like English Communication so everyone talked and it was really well, as i said interesting class! 
    And then we had German class but it wasn't anything special. And that was it! Now i have to go, but i just say that i would have love to go for many other days to that school again too!!! :D I had so much fun, it was so different and all the people were so nice and it was great to see Miretta again!!! :) 

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