perjantai 8. lokakuuta 2010

Funny things I've noticed..:D

Yesterday we helped Jenni with all her wedding stuff! It was really nice to get to do something instead of just sitting there! We made small bags for the wedding guests who stay in a hotel in Chicago! A little gift bags! Then we helped with cooking! And went to get Jenni's wedding dress from a tiny lady who had made it! 
    In the evening we had "girls' night" at jenni's home! There were about 20 of her friends. I don't know why she invited me and sofia too, we were so much younger than anyone else there, but...:) Everyone of the ladies were so friendly and kind to us and asked all kinds of things of our life in Finland and it was good practise for us! :) Everyone was so interested of us! 
     This morning we went ot a cafe or something like that to eat breakfast! I ate blueberry pancakes! They were really good! It was funny to go somewhere like that palce foir breakfast! But i think it is just normal here...well i guess not every morning or everyone, but maybe more than in Finland or at least more than in Jurva! :D And one thing about eating i have learned; it is polite to eat everything with just a fork without knife! Not like in Finland with a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right, no! You use the knife just for cutting and then eat it with only your fork! :DHahah, yeah i pay attention for stupid things :D Like, we have made a LOT more of trash here than in Finlkand, everything is in plastig or paper and in a store they pack your things into small plastic bags and...yeah. Hmmm, another funny thing is that there is much more water in the toilet seat here than in Finland! :D 
      Small talk and smiling and that is really imortant here...I guess...:) It feels to me that people are more like...hmmm, i don't know  how to explain this but they talk more and louder and are friendlier than in Finland! I mean, a small group, like yesterday those 20 women made a lot bigger noice than our whole school with 200n or something students!! :D And every time you come in to a store the sales assistanat is right there asking how are you and how can she/he help you and everything!!! :) That is great! 
     Today we are going to leave this hotel and finally go to the downtown of Chicago! Into a hotel where many of the wedding guests stay :) Sofia is so excited that she is going to see skyscrepers :D And i want to see the city too, of course!!! :D 

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