Monday and Tuesday we didn't actually do anything very special...We went to a huge shopping mall and ate of course, but nothing super ecxiting :D Last night when we tried to sleep there was and weird smell in our hotel room though and mum was just so nervous that we are going to die or something...I was too tired to think about that!!! And, guess what, we didn't die! :D
Today is or was dad's birthday! In the morning after brekfast we went to Jenni's home (mum's friend) and we got to help with cooking. I cut celery...yeah, they gave me a knife! :D Then we went for a lunch in a pizza place and it was good! after that we went to some kind of park where were all kinds of plants...It was a bit boring place but today it was so hot hot hot day that it was fun to be outside and not in a town! :)
In the afternoon we went back to jenni's house and met her parents! They are so sweet people! Her mum wants to take care of everyone and is just so sweet like i said! We went to see Jenni's dress and it was beautiful! This wedding is going to be really interesting experience to me!!! In the evening i really experienced an American "family" dinner, or something...There were jenni and his fiance and their both's parents... and us :D The meal was really good and it was so fun to listen everyone and everything! And i just loved the desert: cheese cake and pumpkin pie!!!! So good!!! :)
Now i am sitting in the hotel's lobby and should go to bed... You can tell from my writing that i am tired because this is so short...:D
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