maanantai 4. lokakuuta 2010

Grocery shopping...:D

Okay, i will shortly tell about Sunday... We drove to Woodridge (a smaller place near Chicago). While we were driving I noticed many things. For example, there are so many different churches here; " the first church of god", "the first church of christ" "mormon", seventh adventist church....etc. :DD I really can't remember the names but there are so many of them! And the other thing was that there are no one walking or going by bike anywhere!!!! Not really! Everyone goes by car everywhere! That is so crazy! Like my brother said: " They drive every journey that is longer than their car! " Don't worry if you didn't get that, at least it took me a while to understand what he meant! :D And the cars are big, there are much bigger cars than in Jurva for exmple! If we drove in Jurva with this car that we have in here everyone would look at it for a long time but here are so many similar cars that nobody notices! :D For lunch we ate hamburgers in a place called Big Boy...And seriously, i am going to look like the Big Boy if i keep eating like this for a long!!! :DDD
     And then one not so fun thing was when we wanted to drive smaller roads and ended to the southern part of Chicago...Most of the people there are poor, and you could see it! And almost everyone there was african americans. And most of the rich ones here are white...That is so unfair!!! And the area made me so angry and sad...And also a little scared.. You could see some plaaces that there have been shooting and it was ugly and mum just said to dad that he mustn't stop in the traffic lights or anything! I am sure there wans't danger but still!!!! And it was funny how quickly it cnaged, first there was almost like slum area and suddenly nice looking houses with gardens...That is so different to Finland! Of course we have poor people too and everything but i think the line between poor and rich people isn't so clear like here...Or maybe i just live in a so small town that i haven't used to that! Anyway, it made me think! 
      Then we came to our hotel and then went to a grocery store! You would have laughed to us!!! Me and sofia were like, i don't know, we went absolutely crazy there!!! There were so many different and funny things and we ran around the store and laughed at something and yeah, it was amazing!!!! We bought some breakfast because we don't have it in our hotel! :D
       in the evening we went to mum's friend's Jenni's home! Her wedding is in the weekend! She had made us dinner, finally real food, not just hamburgers! :D
Okay, now i am too tired to talk about this day...Maybe tomorrow!!! :)

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